Monday, September 27, 2010
today is september28th 2010,daannn siapakah yg ultah hari iniiii?yap anak gue SISY AYU ANGGRAINI hihihi .. happy bday my sweety , wish u all dbest and have a greatest one .smg di hidup km yg ke 12 tahun ini bermanfaat bagi dunia,dan org2 disekitar kamu....semoga makin cantik,smarter than before and more stronger.rajin ibadah,semoga makin perfect lah!!!!!!!!wanna contact her?so click here ..thankyou :D
Saturday, September 25, 2010
nama kelas
hi kali ini gue mau kasih tau nama kelas gue!okey,let me introduce.#ZVNTWEE is the name of 7-2 class ,ada yg tau artinya?itu adalah bahasa belanda,yg artinya TUJUH DUA !jd ZVN itu singkatan dr ZEVEN yg artinya TUJUH dan TWEE arti dari DUA di bahasa indonesia.oke what do u think with my class name?
ABBA Dancing Queen Lyrics
You can dance, you can jive
Having the time of your life
Ooh see that girl, watch that scene
Dig in the dancing queen
Friday night and the lights are low
Looking out for a place to go
Where they play the right music, getting in the swing
You come in to look for a king
Anybody could be that guy
Night is young and the music's high
With a bit of rock music, everything is fine
You're in the mood for a dance
And when you get the chance
You are the dancing queen
Young and sweet, only seventeen
Dancing queen, feel the beat
From the tambourine, oh yeah
You can dance, you can jive
Having the time of your life
Ooh see that girl, watch that scene
Dig in the dancing queen
You're a teaser, you turn 'em on
Leave 'em burning and then you're gone
Looking out for another, anyone will do
You're in the mood for a dance
And when you get the chance
You are the dancing queen
Young and sweet, only seventeen
Dancing queen, feel the beat
From the tambourine, oh yeah
You can dance, you can jive
Having the time of your life
Ooh see that girl, watch that scene
Dig in the dancing queen
Dig in the dancing queen
Having the time of your life
Ooh see that girl, watch that scene
Dig in the dancing queen
Friday night and the lights are low
Looking out for a place to go
Where they play the right music, getting in the swing
You come in to look for a king
Anybody could be that guy
Night is young and the music's high
With a bit of rock music, everything is fine
You're in the mood for a dance
And when you get the chance
You are the dancing queen
Young and sweet, only seventeen
Dancing queen, feel the beat
From the tambourine, oh yeah
You can dance, you can jive
Having the time of your life
Ooh see that girl, watch that scene
Dig in the dancing queen
You're a teaser, you turn 'em on
Leave 'em burning and then you're gone
Looking out for another, anyone will do
You're in the mood for a dance
And when you get the chance
You are the dancing queen
Young and sweet, only seventeen
Dancing queen, feel the beat
From the tambourine, oh yeah
You can dance, you can jive
Having the time of your life
Ooh see that girl, watch that scene
Dig in the dancing queen
Dig in the dancing queen
new twitter username
hay,gue kan udh lama gitu ga ganti user twitter gue.mungkin udh sekitar 6blnan,user @antheaayu itu dr jaman gue kls6 sekitar bulan maret kl gasalah....nah td awalnya gue ganti jd @anthrnt,tp agak aneh sm susah dihapal salah nama gue jg ya ANTHEA AYU RIENATA mau disingkat apa? yaudah jd gue ganti lg jd now my username isn't @antheaayu but @antheaarnt ......kalo misalnya lo lupa or anything lah so CLICK HERE!
okey that's enough !thankyou
okey that's enough !thankyou
Friday, September 24, 2010
Marcell - You never will be replace
Has the Old Self
In step silence
Never I suppose
That finally
No love by my side
Although the time comes
And passes survive until you're gone
All never able to change me
There is only you in my heart
Love is just
Made me fall in love and able
You're not just simply awesome
You never will be replaced
Never Guess
That finally
Defendants your promise and my promise
(Chorus 2x)
Although the time comes
And passes survive until you're gone
All never able to change me
It is only you on my heart
Love is just
Made me fall In love and able
You're not just simply awesome
You never will be replaced
You never will be replaced
this posting addicted to A** so much ! I LOVE HIM
In step silence
Never I suppose
That finally
No love by my side
Although the time comes
And passes survive until you're gone
All never able to change me
There is only you in my heart
Love is just
Made me fall in love and able
You're not just simply awesome
You never will be replaced
Never Guess
That finally
Defendants your promise and my promise
(Chorus 2x)
Although the time comes
And passes survive until you're gone
All never able to change me
It is only you on my heart
Love is just
Made me fall In love and able
You're not just simply awesome
You never will be replaced
You never will be replaced
this posting addicted to A** so much ! I LOVE HIM
hay,udh lama ya gue ga posting.hari jum'at ini gue jeko aldino thomas ke 711 matraman dalam rangka ultah gue,jd ceritanyaa..................cekidot yag!
pagi2 jam 8 jeko had arrived at ment02 es,sedangkan saat itu gue lg otw ke ment02.hari itu gue gasekolah soalnya test lia,then i was arrived at ment02 abis itu gue masuk ke sklh nya ya biasa lah halal bihalal dulu sm guru2.kita lgsg ke lantai3 ktmu byk org lah ktmu fino jg tuh wgwg and jeko met someone who likes him so much :D hhah adalah ank kls 5 ape gtu,nah dibawah kita ktmu BU YENI ,lalu kita salimlah and we had some conversations with her ....
A&J:"halo ibuuuu"
Bu yeni:"halo juga"
A&J:"minal aidzin ya bu"
Bu yeni:"iya sama2"
Bu yeni:"jeko yg manis mana ya?"
J:"ini bu ini"
Bu yeni:"ini mah jeko yg item"
J:"ya item manis bu"
Bu yeni:"iya hehe"
and then we went out of from the school.dan tauga gasopannya ya aldino gakdateng2 jd gue cuma bedua ama jeko,trs tbtb paslamet keluar pdhl lg bete ktmu die wkwk tautau dia bilang gini
PS:"cie ayu sama jeko"
gatau ye paslamet tau2 nanya gasekolah?masuk siang pak :D...dan aldino blm dtg jg -_- trs gue telpon aja kan,ngomel2 tuh gue...........
gue:"woy aldino lo dmn sih lama bgt"
gue ngmgnya pake nada marah gitu , AND YOU KNOW?WHO WAS PICKED UP THE TELEPHONE?HIS MOM!!!!
bunda:"halo ayu,ini bunda aldino sdh jalan"
dalam hati gue bilang SPIIIIK GALUCU MALU GUAAAA!!!dan didepan gue jeko tertawa terbahak2-_-
gue:"aduh bunda maaf bgt bun aku kira aldino"
bunda:"iya ayu gpp,kamu ultah ya?selamat ya ayu"
gue:"iya bunda makasih ya bun,maaf ya aku gatau"
bunda:"iya gpp"
gue:"oke bun,makasih ya asslmlkm"
gue bilang mane lagi aldino lama bgt,and suddenly from a distance i saw a fat,short and bald boy hihi candadeng,ternyata itu aldino alhamdulillah dtg jg dia.nah sblm brgkt gue telp thomas dulu suruh ke 711 matraman,yg ngangkat EMAKNYE si jeko bacot lg pake ngatain thomas nah si thomas bisa yodeh gue jeko aldino memulai perjalanan.kita jalan ke depan rel kereta api,nah si jeko ama aldino pake berdiri dkt sm keretanya tulul.nah kita ke manggarai dulu naik m23 haha,ngajarin jeko naik angkot kan biasanya dia naik taksi WGWG,when we arrived at manggarai we continued to matraman with BEMO wkwk ngajarin jeko jg nih haha,dari situ gue baru tau kalo aldino itu suka berpetualang naik angkutan umum (?)sampe kan di 711 matraman kita beli makanan deh,trs THOMAS BELUM DTG!!pas gue telp ke rmh ny kata emaknye die lg keluar,trs kita tunggu2 dr kejauhan kita liat ank cowok tinggi tp mukanye melas bgt wkwk boongdeng ternyata itu thomas yodah dia ambil makan deh...gue kan bawa hape kk gue kan ya tp fotonya foto2 gue semua,tau2 jeko ambil hp gue trs liat gallery,dan lo tau apa yg terjadi?JEKO THOMAS ALDINO NGELIAT TULISAN NAMA ORG YG GUE SUKA DI HAPE GUE!!oke saat itu gue gabisa ngeles,dan gue jd gaenak sm salah satu org dr mrk ber3...ah yaudah thomas ngajakin ke gramed yaudeh kita ber4 ke gramed dah.dan ngeselinnya thomas ama aldino main dorong2an ngerusak reputasi smp8 ya kalian wggq!!than sampe di matraman trs titp tas dulu,NAH GUE JEKO ALDINO THOMAS NGELIAT SLR CANON LGSG NGECES DEEEHHHHHH!!haha abaikan ya-_-trs kita ke lantai3 baca2 buku lah,kita udh kaya ank ilang dstu wq.....perjanjian jam 11 kita balik ke tmpt masing2,nah udh jam 11 ya trs kita turun kebwh.thomas balik kermh,si aldino masih kpgn ke 711 yaudah yg msk dia sm jeko aja gue ngumpet wxwx abistuh aldino beli yg large slurpee nya--"untung jeko ada sedotan gue bisa bagi deh pny bopak wkwk,kita balik naik kopaja 502 hahaha.kita turun di smp8 aldino went to school,jeko balik ke rmh cikini gue msh naik bus gue jalannya bareng sm jeko ke cikini nya......makasih banget ya jeko lo memang baik hati,pintar,ganteng eaea.....pokoknya makasih ya jekiiiiiiii :* :*
oke itu semua cukup,big thanks to jeko aldino and thomas :D :*
pagi2 jam 8 jeko had arrived at ment02 es,sedangkan saat itu gue lg otw ke ment02.hari itu gue gasekolah soalnya test lia,then i was arrived at ment02 abis itu gue masuk ke sklh nya ya biasa lah halal bihalal dulu sm guru2.kita lgsg ke lantai3 ktmu byk org lah ktmu fino jg tuh wgwg and jeko met someone who likes him so much :D hhah adalah ank kls 5 ape gtu,nah dibawah kita ktmu BU YENI ,lalu kita salimlah and we had some conversations with her ....
A&J:"halo ibuuuu"
Bu yeni:"halo juga"
A&J:"minal aidzin ya bu"
Bu yeni:"iya sama2"
Bu yeni:"jeko yg manis mana ya?"
J:"ini bu ini"
Bu yeni:"ini mah jeko yg item"
J:"ya item manis bu"
Bu yeni:"iya hehe"
and then we went out of from the school.dan tauga gasopannya ya aldino gakdateng2 jd gue cuma bedua ama jeko,trs tbtb paslamet keluar pdhl lg bete ktmu die wkwk tautau dia bilang gini
PS:"cie ayu sama jeko"
gatau ye paslamet tau2 nanya gasekolah?masuk siang pak :D...dan aldino blm dtg jg -_- trs gue telpon aja kan,ngomel2 tuh gue...........
gue:"woy aldino lo dmn sih lama bgt"
gue ngmgnya pake nada marah gitu , AND YOU KNOW?WHO WAS PICKED UP THE TELEPHONE?HIS MOM!!!!
bunda:"halo ayu,ini bunda aldino sdh jalan"
dalam hati gue bilang SPIIIIK GALUCU MALU GUAAAA!!!dan didepan gue jeko tertawa terbahak2-_-
gue:"aduh bunda maaf bgt bun aku kira aldino"
bunda:"iya ayu gpp,kamu ultah ya?selamat ya ayu"
gue:"iya bunda makasih ya bun,maaf ya aku gatau"
bunda:"iya gpp"
gue:"oke bun,makasih ya asslmlkm"
gue bilang mane lagi aldino lama bgt,and suddenly from a distance i saw a fat,short and bald boy hihi candadeng,ternyata itu aldino alhamdulillah dtg jg dia.nah sblm brgkt gue telp thomas dulu suruh ke 711 matraman,yg ngangkat EMAKNYE si jeko bacot lg pake ngatain thomas nah si thomas bisa yodeh gue jeko aldino memulai perjalanan.kita jalan ke depan rel kereta api,nah si jeko ama aldino pake berdiri dkt sm keretanya tulul.nah kita ke manggarai dulu naik m23 haha,ngajarin jeko naik angkot kan biasanya dia naik taksi WGWG,when we arrived at manggarai we continued to matraman with BEMO wkwk ngajarin jeko jg nih haha,dari situ gue baru tau kalo aldino itu suka berpetualang naik angkutan umum (?)sampe kan di 711 matraman kita beli makanan deh,trs THOMAS BELUM DTG!!pas gue telp ke rmh ny kata emaknye die lg keluar,trs kita tunggu2 dr kejauhan kita liat ank cowok tinggi tp mukanye melas bgt wkwk boongdeng ternyata itu thomas yodah dia ambil makan deh...gue kan bawa hape kk gue kan ya tp fotonya foto2 gue semua,tau2 jeko ambil hp gue trs liat gallery,dan lo tau apa yg terjadi?JEKO THOMAS ALDINO NGELIAT TULISAN NAMA ORG YG GUE SUKA DI HAPE GUE!!oke saat itu gue gabisa ngeles,dan gue jd gaenak sm salah satu org dr mrk ber3...ah yaudah thomas ngajakin ke gramed yaudeh kita ber4 ke gramed dah.dan ngeselinnya thomas ama aldino main dorong2an ngerusak reputasi smp8 ya kalian wggq!!than sampe di matraman trs titp tas dulu,NAH GUE JEKO ALDINO THOMAS NGELIAT SLR CANON LGSG NGECES DEEEHHHHHH!!haha abaikan ya-_-trs kita ke lantai3 baca2 buku lah,kita udh kaya ank ilang dstu wq.....perjanjian jam 11 kita balik ke tmpt masing2,nah udh jam 11 ya trs kita turun kebwh.thomas balik kermh,si aldino masih kpgn ke 711 yaudah yg msk dia sm jeko aja gue ngumpet wxwx abistuh aldino beli yg large slurpee nya--"untung jeko ada sedotan gue bisa bagi deh pny bopak wkwk,kita balik naik kopaja 502 hahaha.kita turun di smp8 aldino went to school,jeko balik ke rmh cikini gue msh naik bus gue jalannya bareng sm jeko ke cikini nya......makasih banget ya jeko lo memang baik hati,pintar,ganteng eaea.....pokoknya makasih ya jekiiiiiiii :* :*
oke itu semua cukup,big thanks to jeko aldino and thomas :D :*
The story of Cinderella is perhaps the most magical story of all the Disney Princesses; it captures the dream of every young girl, to become a real princess.
After the death of her kind and loving father, Cinderella is left living with her stepmother Lady Tremaine. Lady Tremaine soon shows her wicked side, spending the inheritance money left by Cinderella's father while Cinderella becomes a servant for her and her two cruel daughters, Drizella and Anastasia.
Despite these hard conditions, Cinderella grows into a kind and beautiful young woman with humour and dignity; qualities that her stepsisters don't possess. As Cinderella gracefully goes about her duties, singing as she works, she befriends many of the animals that live in the houses barn, amongst them are a bloodhound called Bruno, a horse and two mice called Gus and Jaq.
Cinderella dreams of a better life, but, with days spent doing chores from dusk to dawn, it seems that these dreams may never come true. Despite moments of heartbreak, she holds onto these hopes, believing that one-day they will become reality.
When news comes of a grand ball being held by the Prince, Cinderella is determined to go and win his heart but Drizella and Anastasia spoil her plans by ruining her dress. Deep in despair Cinderella is visited by her Fairy Godmother, a kind character determined to make Cinderella the belle of the ball. With a wave of her magic wand, the Fairy Godmother turns Cinderella's torn dress into a beautiful white gown with glass slippers, a pumpkin into a sparkling coach, the horse into a coachman and Gus and Jacques into magnificent horses, ready to whisk her away to the ball.
The Prince is captivated by Cinderella's beauty and the two spend the evening dancing through the castle grounds. As the clock strikes midnight, Cinderella, remembering that the fairy godmother's spell will wear off, runs from the castle, leaving behind one of her glass slippers.
A search is launched throughout the kingdom to find the mystery girl who had worn the slipper. Despite the efforts of her ghastly stepsisters, Cinderella is revealed to be the owner of the glass slipper and she and the Prince are reunited. He asks her to marry him, to become his princess and live happily ever after. At last all of Cinderella's dreams have come true in the ultimate fairy tale ending to her story.
After the death of her kind and loving father, Cinderella is left living with her stepmother Lady Tremaine. Lady Tremaine soon shows her wicked side, spending the inheritance money left by Cinderella's father while Cinderella becomes a servant for her and her two cruel daughters, Drizella and Anastasia.
Despite these hard conditions, Cinderella grows into a kind and beautiful young woman with humour and dignity; qualities that her stepsisters don't possess. As Cinderella gracefully goes about her duties, singing as she works, she befriends many of the animals that live in the houses barn, amongst them are a bloodhound called Bruno, a horse and two mice called Gus and Jaq.
Cinderella dreams of a better life, but, with days spent doing chores from dusk to dawn, it seems that these dreams may never come true. Despite moments of heartbreak, she holds onto these hopes, believing that one-day they will become reality.
When news comes of a grand ball being held by the Prince, Cinderella is determined to go and win his heart but Drizella and Anastasia spoil her plans by ruining her dress. Deep in despair Cinderella is visited by her Fairy Godmother, a kind character determined to make Cinderella the belle of the ball. With a wave of her magic wand, the Fairy Godmother turns Cinderella's torn dress into a beautiful white gown with glass slippers, a pumpkin into a sparkling coach, the horse into a coachman and Gus and Jacques into magnificent horses, ready to whisk her away to the ball.
The Prince is captivated by Cinderella's beauty and the two spend the evening dancing through the castle grounds. As the clock strikes midnight, Cinderella, remembering that the fairy godmother's spell will wear off, runs from the castle, leaving behind one of her glass slippers.
A search is launched throughout the kingdom to find the mystery girl who had worn the slipper. Despite the efforts of her ghastly stepsisters, Cinderella is revealed to be the owner of the glass slipper and she and the Prince are reunited. He asks her to marry him, to become his princess and live happily ever after. At last all of Cinderella's dreams have come true in the ultimate fairy tale ending to her story.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
girls,read this!
You think your not pretty,There is always someone uglier. You want more money, People are in poverty.You want a boyfriend, Someone doesn’t even have parents. Your hungry, a child is starving. You want to go to the mall, someone is looking for anything that they can wear just to stay warm. Your chilly, others are frozen. You just want to die, most people want to live. So don’t waste your time on things that you think you want because there is always someone out there who needs it much more than you could ever possibly know ♥
will it change everybody?
Once you enter high school things change, your best friends become bitches, your boyfriend becomes a prick. Homework goes in the trash, cell phones are being used in class. Detention becomes suspension, soda becomes beer, gum becomes pot. Bikes become cars. Lollipops become cigarettes. Lip gloss becomes makeup. French kisses become sex. Yeah high school changes everybody…
Monday, September 20, 2010
snapshot of me
hey,last 19sept my parents gave me blackforest cake ..uuuh so thanks mom and dad :D...dan jg karena gue narsis jd gw foto2 decchhh h3h3
oke bye ini posting KAGAK JELAS
ini foto favorit gue h3h3 |
h1h1 |
caqep ya?h3h3 |
ada yg bilang pake slr,pdhl ngga cm kamera amatiran semi slr wkwkw |
oke bye ini posting KAGAK JELAS
Sunday, September 19, 2010
thanks :D
heiiii,wanna say thanks to all buddies who sent bday greetings on my fb ,twitter and blog .. and special thanks to my 3buddies ,ya .dhira,yasmin and nada !thanks galz you had posted about my bday and kak manda bday ,don't know want to say what but thanks alot!!!
and speciality for nada,thanks you were the 1st people that sent bday greetings on my fb and twitter ...
that's all , thanks galz .. love ya !
dhira's click here |
cha's click here |
nada's click here |
and speciality for nada,thanks you were the 1st people that sent bday greetings on my fb and twitter ...
that's all , thanks galz .. love ya !
Saturday, September 18, 2010
happy new year ayu...smg hidup gw yg udh 12 thn ini membawa manfaat yg positif buat dunia ini...smg gue tambah dewasa,makin cantik-_-,tambah pintar,jd ank yg soleha jd ustadzah,terkabul cita2nya,ngga judes,ngga jutek,dan SLR yg gue minta terkabulkan..amiin :) and thankyou galz who had send birthday greetings to my facebook and twitter ..pray for the best to me yaa :) thanks
hula,let me introduce you my new school and my old school . from kindergarten , elementary , jhs , shs (amin) and university (amin)
1.TK Mini Pak Kasur Cikini
awal gue masuk sklh,awal gue tau sekolah ya ini terletak di jl.cikini nomer berape kagak hapal gue,disini gue punya byk teman dan gue suka sm org berawal dr sini ..
2.SDN RSBI Menteng 02
jl.tegal no.10 adalah letak sekolah ini !disini kenanganny byk bgt iyelah 6tahun gidu,nilai gue naik turun disini kdg2 jg stabil.gue sayang bgt sm sklh ini,apalagi sm tmn2 dan sama salah satu ank :D disini gue dpt kasus yg udh buat gue menjadi lebih baik.
3,SMPN 216 Jakarta
gue masuk smp ini dgn nem yg pas2an 26.85 -_- peringkat 234 dr 318 siswa , bad rite?at here,i wish i could do the best and more better than me at my es :D gue mau jadi yg terbaik,dan gue ingin menjadi osis :) pray for me ya galz
4.SMAN 8 Jakarta (amin)
one day,i'd dream i could pass 8 shs test .ya,kalo itu terjadi beneran,kalo gue diterima disini berarti rezeki gue dan gue musti berusaha krn yg msk sma ini org2 pinter semua dan gue gamau kalah bersaing :D kalopun gue ga diterima disini INSYALLAH gue mau msk 3shs deket rmh ataupun 68shs dkt smp :)
5.Univ.Gadjah Mada (amin)
yaallahhhh gue mau bgt jd mahasiswi universitas ini,ini univ nomer 1 di indonesia..gue mau ngebanggain ortu dan semua org yg gw kenal.insyaallah kalo gw msk sini,gue mau ambil jurusan IT ataupun Hubungan Internasional . tp tergantung jurusan apa yg gue ambil nnti pas SMA :D amin
that's all about my next school,my school right now,and my old school .. pray for the best to me :D amin
1.TK Mini Pak Kasur Cikini
awal gue masuk sklh,awal gue tau sekolah ya ini terletak di jl.cikini nomer berape kagak hapal gue,disini gue punya byk teman dan gue suka sm org berawal dr sini ..
2.SDN RSBI Menteng 02
jl.tegal no.10 adalah letak sekolah ini !disini kenanganny byk bgt iyelah 6tahun gidu,nilai gue naik turun disini kdg2 jg stabil.gue sayang bgt sm sklh ini,apalagi sm tmn2 dan sama salah satu ank :D disini gue dpt kasus yg udh buat gue menjadi lebih baik.
3,SMPN 216 Jakarta
gue masuk smp ini dgn nem yg pas2an 26.85 -_- peringkat 234 dr 318 siswa , bad rite?at here,i wish i could do the best and more better than me at my es :D gue mau jadi yg terbaik,dan gue ingin menjadi osis :) pray for me ya galz
4.SMAN 8 Jakarta (amin)
one day,i'd dream i could pass 8 shs test .ya,kalo itu terjadi beneran,kalo gue diterima disini berarti rezeki gue dan gue musti berusaha krn yg msk sma ini org2 pinter semua dan gue gamau kalah bersaing :D kalopun gue ga diterima disini INSYALLAH gue mau msk 3shs deket rmh ataupun 68shs dkt smp :)
5.Univ.Gadjah Mada (amin)
yaallahhhh gue mau bgt jd mahasiswi universitas ini,ini univ nomer 1 di indonesia..gue mau ngebanggain ortu dan semua org yg gw kenal.insyaallah kalo gw msk sini,gue mau ambil jurusan IT ataupun Hubungan Internasional . tp tergantung jurusan apa yg gue ambil nnti pas SMA :D amin
that's all about my next school,my school right now,and my old school .. pray for the best to me :D amin
Thursday, September 16, 2010
all about #jamansd
hola , just wanna tell you all about my #jamansd
#jamansd gue masih alay
#jamansd kenangan paling byk di kls 6
#jamansd gue suka sm EHEHEHE
#jamansd kena kasus sm dhira,chaca itu urusan kepsek pake ada yg ikut campur-_-tp itu udh buat gue berubah
#jamansd gua nyolot ama penjaga sekolah
#jamansd gue deket bgt sm ank cowo
#jamansd TW and DB made by me and jeko :D
#jamansd nem gue paspasan 26.85 -_-pelit nyeh
#jamansd ngaku2 nem gue 36.00
#jamansd angkeet terngocol ---_______---
#jamansd suka ngmgin B***P sm jeko paling sering wakakakak
#jamansd suka curhat sm ank cowo terutama bopak ryan gitulah
#jamansd gue suka banget cinta bgt sm @a..........
#jamansd kata2an nama orgtua yg ngawalin si kuntet
#jamansd saya niat buang hajad 11 rokaat karena dajjal ta'ala -_-
#jamansd perpisahan ke villa via renata ,wow villa nya punya gua haha cnd
#jamansd gue jagoan ips -_-
#jamansd sahabat jd cinta -_-
#jamansd romeo's family\
#jamansd 6a itu serempak
#jamansd nangis2an wkt perpisahan
#jamansd pernah lg ulangan buka buku , ups
#jamansd pertama pake bb
#jamansd saingan ips jeko
#jamansd byk yg jadian februari 2010\
#jamansd sering ke 711
#jamansd thomas pm bawa motor
#jamansd di buku latihan uasbn ada tulisan 'I ♥ @A.........A'
dan masih byk lg :) i miss you so much #jamansd
#jamansd gue masih alay
#jamansd kenangan paling byk di kls 6
#jamansd gue suka sm EHEHEHE
#jamansd kena kasus sm dhira,chaca itu urusan kepsek pake ada yg ikut campur-_-tp itu udh buat gue berubah
#jamansd gua nyolot ama penjaga sekolah
#jamansd gue deket bgt sm ank cowo
#jamansd TW and DB made by me and jeko :D
#jamansd nem gue paspasan 26.85 -_-pelit nyeh
#jamansd ngaku2 nem gue 36.00
#jamansd angkeet terngocol ---_______---
#jamansd suka ngmgin B***P sm jeko paling sering wakakakak
#jamansd suka curhat sm ank cowo terutama bopak ryan gitulah
#jamansd gue suka banget cinta bgt sm @a..........
#jamansd kata2an nama orgtua yg ngawalin si kuntet
#jamansd saya niat buang hajad 11 rokaat karena dajjal ta'ala -_-
#jamansd perpisahan ke villa via renata ,wow villa nya punya gua haha cnd
#jamansd gue jagoan ips -_-
#jamansd sahabat jd cinta -_-
#jamansd romeo's family\
#jamansd 6a itu serempak
#jamansd nangis2an wkt perpisahan
#jamansd pernah lg ulangan buka buku , ups
#jamansd pertama pake bb
#jamansd saingan ips jeko
#jamansd byk yg jadian februari 2010\
#jamansd sering ke 711
#jamansd thomas pm bawa motor
#jamansd di buku latihan uasbn ada tulisan 'I ♥ @A.........A'
dan masih byk lg :) i miss you so much #jamansd
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
i love someone , yah ofcourse i love everyone too cause i knew them even they don't love me.but for me there's one people that i love him so much ,he was my elementary school friend but different class he was a kind boy very very kind good at english.maybe ment02'10 know who's him ,i was felt be sorry cause i like+love him at the last we were want to graduated from school :"( now we're at different school and i rarely meet him :'( for me he's my coat in the winter,my sweetcupcakes,my candyboy,my blanket when i was slept,my soft pillow HE IS MY EVERYTHING AND I LOVE HIM
anak alay
let me tell you ya , tauga skrg gw jd aneh deh mau tauga knp ? akhir2 ini gue sering bgt main permainan online kalo POINT BLANK sih udh kehidupan gue tp gue maenannya maenan ank kecil yaallah -__________- then i often to read story about fairytales , princess magic .. for me it was for kindergarten student but why i did it ? haha -,- gue rasa gue kaya balik ke masa kanak2 gidu emg gue msh ank2 sih buktinya gue masih imut ? iyakan ? admit it ? HEHE okay that's all bye
Monday, September 13, 2010
Facts about me (Copied from Love Quotes Tumblr)
When a GIRL is quiet,Millions of things are running in her mind.
When a GIRL is not arguing,
She is thinking deeply.
When a GIRL looks at you with eyes full of questions,
She is wondering how long you will be around.When a GIRL answers “I’m fine” after a few seconds,
She is not at all fine.
When a GIRL stares at you,
She is wondering why you are lying.When a GIRL lays on your chest,
She is wishing for you to be hers forever.When a GIRL calls you everyday,
She is seeking for your attention.When a GIRL wants to see you everyday,She wants to be pampered.
When a GIRL says “I love you”,
She means it.
When a GIRL says that she can’t live without you,
She has made up her mind that you are her future.When a GIRL says “I miss you”,
No one in this world can miss you more than that.
When a GIRL is not arguing,
She is thinking deeply.
When a GIRL looks at you with eyes full of questions,
She is wondering how long you will be around.When a GIRL answers “I’m fine” after a few seconds,
She is not at all fine.
When a GIRL stares at you,
She is wondering why you are lying.When a GIRL lays on your chest,
She is wishing for you to be hers forever.When a GIRL calls you everyday,
She is seeking for your attention.When a GIRL wants to see you everyday,She wants to be pampered.
When a GIRL says “I love you”,
She means it.
When a GIRL says that she can’t live without you,
She has made up her mind that you are her future.When a GIRL says “I miss you”,
No one in this world can miss you more than that.
Great Conversation (y)
Girl : Do you believe in angels ?
Boy : Yes
Girl : Where do they live ?
Boy : Some in heaven ... some on earth
Girl : Have you ever met one ?
Boy : Yep .. even hugged one ... i kissed one too
Girl : You're cheating on me with an angel ?!
Boy : No.. you're my angel
Copied from Love Quotes Tumblr
Boy : Yes
Girl : Where do they live ?
Boy : Some in heaven ... some on earth
Girl : Have you ever met one ?
Boy : Yep .. even hugged one ... i kissed one too
Girl : You're cheating on me with an angel ?!
Boy : No.. you're my angel
Girl: Tell me how much you love me.
Boy: Look up at the sky.
Girl: Stop changing the subject!
Boy: Just look.
(Girl looks up to the sky)
Girl: What am I doing?
Boy: Tell me how many stars are in the sky.
Girl: That's impossible.
Boy: So is explaining my love for you.
Every girl wants Prince Charming..& while he maybe nice & all..I’m thinking that I’d rather have the guy that’s gunna call at 4 am just to say hi, or someone who’ll stop by my house, after just hanging up the phone, cause he wants to see how I’m REALLY doing. Cause I said I was fine, but we both know I’m lying. Or the guy who’ll stay home on a Saturday night with me cause I’m sick & bring me my favorite kind of candy..even though I can’t eat it cause my stomach flips at the idea. That guy, that one guy..he may not be Prince Charming to anyone else..but he’d be my hero. My “knight in shining armor.”.......................................................................................................................................
Copied from Love Quotes Tumblr
Special for APU :p
hey , wanna introduce someone
anyone knows who's him ? if you don't know so let me introduce yaaa .... Anandya Pasma Umrodhan is him call him Om Jeko , how come from Anandya to Jeko ? ask him for sure haha :p ...... dia ini ank 1 Junior High School dia berasal dr Menteng02 International State Primary School dia ini sayang bgt sm kepsek menteng02 dan om Jeko ini orgnya baiiiiiiiiiiiikkkkkk bgt super baiklah haha buktinya gue aja pernah comot udangnya,dia selalu meminjamkan hape ke gue utk tweeting sekaligus contekan wkt ujian praktek gambar di google cause i couldn't draw -__- hehe ,dan saking baiknya he want to wash my car can you imagine how kind he is ?uops ini agak kurang ajar dia itu anknya asik diajak ngomong ,curhat pkkny dia ank cowo paling baik di sd buat gue ahahahhahaha dia juga jagoooo banget bahasa inggris dan ips dia adalah saingan gw saat di sd lalu ofcourse his teacher was me when i taught him i was sucks cause he didn't understood ENGGADEEEENGGG CANDAAA he was good at english and social,and one unique fact about om jeko handsome "DIA ORGNYA GEERAN" ,when i talked with him everything i say , at the last he asked to me : "I'm Charming , admit it?" then i answer : "Iyeee"
actually i admit it jek , you're not handsome but your perform always cool so many girls interest with you , example ? sorry i won't publish about that HEHE -_- ah enough to say that words , maybe that words can make him fly cause he has two wings :p . and maybe many girls like him and read this story so please do not be angry cause he was my bestfriend .Interest with him ? wanna contact him ? at twitter maybe you can , follow him @anandyapasma .bb user ? ask his pin first ! that's all !xo
this is someone who'll i introduce to all of you |
anyone knows who's him ? if you don't know so let me introduce yaaa .... Anandya Pasma Umrodhan is him call him Om Jeko , how come from Anandya to Jeko ? ask him for sure haha :p ...... dia ini ank 1 Junior High School dia berasal dr Menteng02 International State Primary School dia ini sayang bgt sm kepsek menteng02 dan om Jeko ini orgnya baiiiiiiiiiiiikkkkkk bgt super baiklah haha buktinya gue aja pernah comot udangnya,dia selalu meminjamkan hape ke gue utk tweeting sekaligus contekan wkt ujian praktek gambar di google cause i couldn't draw -__- hehe ,dan saking baiknya he want to wash my car can you imagine how kind he is ?
actually i admit it jek , you're not handsome but your perform always cool so many girls interest with you , example ? sorry i won't publish about that HEHE -_- ah enough to say that words , maybe that words can make him fly cause he has two wings :p . and maybe many girls like him and read this story so please do not be angry cause he was my bestfriend .Interest with him ? wanna contact him ? at twitter maybe you can , follow him @anandyapasma .bb user ? ask his pin first ! that's all !xo
Happy Birthday
Today is September13th2010 and today is monday ! Yap,do you know who have birthday today ? yeah my bf ofcourse ,names Thomas Müller yehehe (y). Okey let me introduce him ya , he was born 21 years ago precisely on Weilheim,September 13th 1989 still young ofcourse HEHE . Ya ,was a Germany national team players 13 was him back number and he played at Bayern Munich Football Club and 25 was him back number.
ya this was him in action , handsome right ? |
Yep ,Happy birthday Thomas Muller have a greatest one , wish u all dbest,god bless you and succesfull in your career :*
after this i'll flight to Germany to celebrate his birthday at Allianz Arena Stadium ! LOL..
oke that's all , bye ! xo
Princess Aurora (Sleeping Beauty)
Aurora is a beautiful young princess with a glorious singing voice, lavender eyes and a rosy smile. She is gentle, loving, thoughtful and admired by those who know her.
She lives in a cottage in a forest with three good fairies, Flora, Fauna and Merryweather, all sworn to raise Aurora and protect her from an evil curse placed upon her as a newborn by the bad fairy Maleficent. Maleficent curses Aurora to fall into deep sleep if she touches a spinning wheel's spindle before the sunset of her sixteenth birthday, if this happens only a kiss from her true love will break the curse and awaken her.
Sleeping Beauty with her animal friends |
Lovingly raised under the protective care of the three good fairies, who she believes to be her aunts, Aurora lives a happy if sheltered life amongst the animals of the forest.
One day, while out picking berries in the woods, Aurora's beautiful singing voice captivates the heart of a handsome young prince who is riding in the woods. They instantly fall in love but are separated when Aurora must return home to the fairies.
As it nears her sixteenth birthday the fairies decide to throw a celebration for Aurora, using their magical wands to conjure up a magnificent cake and a beautiful dress. They all have great fun with much dancing and merry-making. Yet, despite all the dancing and fun, the fairies, with a heavy heart, know that they must also reveal to Aurora the truth about her past.
The fiendish Maleficent |
They leave the forest to return to the castle where Aurora was born. The fiendish Maleficent is there in waiting and uses her wicked magic to lure Aurora away from the safety of the good fairies. She tricks Aurora into touching the spindle of a spinning wheel and the curse takes hold; Aurora falls into a deep sleep.
The good fairies realize that the prince is the only person that can save Aurora. They find him and with their help he defeats Maleficent and breaks the curse with a kiss. Aurora awakes and is thrilled to discover he true love at her side. The good fairies are overjoyed, as they know that Aurora and the Prince will live happily ever after.
The handsome Prince Philip |
Yeah .if I were born as Aurora,you'll be my Philip
Sunday, September 12, 2010
English Project , About My Best Friend
I would tell all of readers who would read this story , i had best friend ya she's a girl,names Yasmin Salsabila call Chaca for the short . I knew her since i was at kindergarten maybe i knew her for 9-10 years ago ,at first we were became an argh enemy but slowly we were became a friend. Well ,years goes on already 2 years we were at kindergarten and then we were continued to elementary school,we were at the same school again.We were at Menteng 02 International State Primary School,from 1th grade till 6th grade we were at the same class she was very smart girl maybe you can say genius girl she was good at all include at lesson and she's beautiful girl. At the 5th and 6th grade we were had some friendship problem but we could fixed that problem, for us problem made our friendship more stronger.And now we were had graduated from elementary school,and now we're continued to Junior High School ,now we're not at the same school again. But we wish ,we would always communicate maybe at phone or social networking we don't want our friendship destroy just because of different school. Now she's go to school at Labschool Kebayoran Junior High School.Remember, we must be clever to choose a friend ,because sometimes friend could make us fall into a mistakes,friendship forever and ever would never die!Okay that's all my story about my bestfriend.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
kalo diinget nyakitin deh
sering keimget bgt tentang UASBN 4-6 Mei 2010 ,antara kangen jengkelin dan nyakitin .. hari pertama UN ,yap hari selasa itu BAHASA INDONESIA ,gue di ruangan 1 selama UN pagi2 nya gue ke ruangan 3 ktmu sohib gue CHACA ,trs ada si jeko kan pagi2 gue udh dibuat jengkel ajede hehehe-_- dia ngatain gue bogel kalogasalah ye -_-pagi2 udh keringetan kan ye,trs bel pun berkumandang gue udh tegang aja ya,ya namanya baru sekali UN -,- nah sialnya SOAL BAHASA INDONESIA ITU SUSAH BANGET BUAT GUE,JAWABANNYA ITU HAMPIR SAMA SEMUAAAAA ,oke tp slow but sure lah gue usaha gimana caranya biar tetap rileks dan ga ngeganggu konsentrasi...and then the next day ,wednesday,may05th 2010 was MATHS alhamdulillah maths ga sesusah BAHASA INDONESIA,tp guenya aja yg ga teliti awaaa nyeseeellllllllllllllllllllllllll ,the 3rd day and the last day of national exam was SCIENCE ,lo tau pas gue ngerjain ini gue ngedumel jhfehfhfjsdhfrhfaSASNNEFHRUHFDJ :@ susah bgt soalnyaaa -,- gue udh hampir putus asa ahhhhh but i wanna the best ,so i should do the best ...yap bel berbunyi menandakan ujian selesai dan telah berakhir :) how happy we are,and then we were went down to 1st floor and grade1 class ..kita makan bersama,hari terakhir makan ayam bakar yummy...........
hari senin nya PAK SLAMET mengumumkan hasil nem cek manual,jd kita dipanggil satusatu utk melihat nem kita...awalnya gue dapet nem 27.80,bahasa 8.80 mtk 9.50 ipa 9.50 ,but the manual result was not the same with computer result -,- saat itu nem tertinggi 28.50 yg diraih oleh ARVIN lagilagi hasil manual itu tidak sama dengan hasil computer,tgl 17mei-20mei kita US (Ujian Sekolah) yap ruangan 1 hari pertama dijaga sm pak toto (y) enk bgt jaganya,udh selesai suruh tidur trs hari kedua dan ketiga dijaga sama sapetau kagak inget gue,yg gue inget yg ngejaga paling enk ae hanyalah pak satoto di hati kami -__________________-",and then after school examination we were had long vacation ,seminggu lebih lah trs kita msk dan latihan untuk wisuda,tanggal 12juni 2010 adalah saat pengumuman kelulusan,alhamdulillah semuanya lulus dengan nem tertinggi 28.15 dan IVAN TAFTAZANI lah yg mendapatkan gelar bintang uasbn (y)....................................dan lo tau nem gue berapa ??!!oke maybe you can say a bad score ,really really bad score -_- 26.85,kayaknya hasil yg sebenernya jauh bgt dr hasil cek manual saat itu gue nangis -_- ngedumel jengkel bgt lah nyesel lah ... BAHASA INDONESIA : 8.60 , MATEMATIKA : 9.25 , IPA : 9.00 ......what do u think ? bad right ?! -_- semuanya hancur karena BAHASA INDONESIA ,gue nyesel bgt sama kekonyolan gue selama ini -.- gue hanya bisa meraih 26.85 no more !for me national exam just show all of you how stupid i am -_- dan saat itu ada hasil uprak dan ujian sekolah ,hasilnya lumayan sih tp menurut gue,gue bego jd ya tetep aja jelek -_-
4.PLBJ : 8.28
1.AGAMA : 8.23
3.IPA : 9.60
oke that's all my final score at elementary school , well my national exam was damaged because INDONESIAN and my school exam was damaged because PLBJ !
i wish at junior high school i would more better and do the best than before .. amiiiin :)
Friday, September 10, 2010
Tugas Hari Raya
1.IPS (geografi,sosiologi,sejarah,ekonomi) :latihan ulangan+buat kreatifitas yg bernilai harganya -_-
2.English :tell about my best friend.
3.Seni musik :nyanyi lagu wajib+daerah (inget uprak pas sd deh hhe)
4.Seni rupa :menggambar -,-
5.Adm niaga :ulangan.
6.Bahasa Indonesia :menceritakan ke depan ttg pengalaman berharga
it's better if there's no holiday than holiday with many homeworks -,- holiday for refreshing...but IT'S OKE ,homeworks made us more diligent and smarter than before (y)
2.English :tell about my best friend.
3.Seni musik :nyanyi lagu wajib+daerah (inget uprak pas sd deh hhe)
4.Seni rupa :menggambar -,-
5.Adm niaga :ulangan.
6.Bahasa Indonesia :menceritakan ke depan ttg pengalaman berharga
it's better if there's no holiday than holiday with many homeworks -,- holiday for refreshing...but IT'S OKE ,homeworks made us more diligent and smarter than before (y)
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Happy Iedl Fitri 1431 H
Fasting was already over dude ! dan kini saatnya kita meraih kemenangan idul fitri ... selamat idul fitri semuanya :) minal aidzin wal faidzin , there was no one perfect people , all people of course had a lots of mistakes , me too .. so please forgive me ,i had lots of mistakes :) dan lebaran adalah saatnya dompet kita nganga gabisa ditutup semoga thr kita berlimpah :D amiin ...
xo ! ayu :) |
Monday, September 6, 2010
Teuku Fadhlan Arnansyah :D ^^
Anza ! Teuku Fadhlan Arnansyah was him ! hehe i wanna introduce about him and let me yaa .. a handsome boy (eaea) was born on Jakarta,December15th 1998 , hihi he was my friend since i was at kindergarten and continued at elementary school. so i knew him maybe for 8 or 9 years..
anza ini anak yg pintar , baik , pendiem(kadang2) , berisik(kadang2) , ganteng pkkny best lah ! skrg dia sklh di SMPN 115 Jakarta , wiiih hebat applause applause ,yadong anza dr tk emg udh pinter ^^ .... nem dia kalo gasalah 27.60 ya hebat hebat kamu nak (y),kalo gue ktmu anza gue selalu ngecengin dia dengan ucapan "smabeeeelllll smaabbbbeeelelll" , terakhir gue ktmu dia pas bukber di esteler77 f1 cikini .... dan lo tauga ? PAS GUE KTMU ANZA GUE KIRA DIA ANK BULE,SOALNYA PAS SMP DIA PUTIH GANTENG BGT ... hehe bkn gue suka ya dia sahabat gue dr kecil sih,gue tau bgt anza dulu nya gmn h3h3 ..dan ktny dia itu byk yg ngefans di smabel trmsk kakak kls ,uuh senangnyaahhh ...dia jg pernah cerita sm gue ktny ada kk kls di smabel yg naksir ngefans gidu sm anzaa wakakka know ? if i had brother likes anza , i would kiss him everytime ^^ .. wanna see his face ? find my photos with him at my posting ,bfasting with mentos10 ,wanna contact him ? find him at facebook Teuku Fadhlan , and catch him at twitter @4nza4 , okay ? enough right ? see ya ^^
anza ini anak yg pintar , baik , pendiem(kadang2) , berisik(kadang2) , ganteng pkkny best lah ! skrg dia sklh di SMPN 115 Jakarta , wiiih hebat applause applause ,yadong anza dr tk emg udh pinter ^^ .... nem dia kalo gasalah 27.60 ya hebat hebat kamu nak (y),kalo gue ktmu anza gue selalu ngecengin dia dengan ucapan "smabeeeelllll smaabbbbeeelelll" , terakhir gue ktmu dia pas bukber di esteler77 f1 cikini .... dan lo tauga ? PAS GUE KTMU ANZA GUE KIRA DIA ANK BULE,SOALNYA PAS SMP DIA PUTIH GANTENG BGT ... hehe bkn gue suka ya dia sahabat gue dr kecil sih,gue tau bgt anza dulu nya gmn h3h3 ..dan ktny dia itu byk yg ngefans di smabel trmsk kakak kls ,uuh senangnyaahhh ...dia jg pernah cerita sm gue ktny ada kk kls di smabel yg naksir ngefans gidu sm anzaa wakakka know ? if i had brother likes anza , i would kiss him everytime ^^ .. wanna see his face ? find my photos with him at my posting ,bfasting with mentos10 ,wanna contact him ? find him at facebook Teuku Fadhlan , and catch him at twitter @4nza4 , okay ? enough right ? see ya ^^
Sunday, September 5, 2010
@dhiraao , let me introduce ya .Nadhira Putri Maharani Hutomo is her ! was born on Jakarta April28th 1998,so now she's 12 years old .. she was my elementary school friends,well when we was on elementary we had many problem -,- but we could fixed all of that problems .. wanna meet her ? visit her blog , wanna meet her on timeline ? yeah follow @dhiraao , wanna wall to wall with her ? add her fb Nadhira Hutomo ..
wanna see her face ? jengjengjeng
this was her blog |
this is her face,what do you think ? beautiful and pretty right ? say yes |
goda iman kagak ye ?
gue mau ngetest,makanan minuman atau yogurt ini menggoda iman lu semua kgk ye ? haha cekidot
kykny tenggorokan hujan abis minum ini nih,apalagi siang hari |
sweet cupcakes cream,yg paling best dr makanan ini adalah krim nya yg menggoda..paling enk dimakan saat breakfast |
walaupun teh tp kan nikmat,apalagi di siang bolong |
coklatnya buat meleleh,enk kl kalian lg puasa trs jln2 dimall trs mkn jco decc |
sambil makan donat makan yogurt nya deh kykny nikmat ya lg puasa tengah hari makan ginian |
kopi nya buat seger bgt |
liatdeh,nikmat bgt ya |
inituh sedep bgt,apalagi yg pinklicious nya maumau? |
ini yg blackberry flavour loh,rasanya mantep bgt..remember blackberry just a fruit ! |
kalo hamba allah yg imannya kuat sih gabakal terpengaruh sm godaan ini ,tp kalo imannya cemen .............yaahahha jgn ditanya wakaka (?) gmn ada yg mau ga ? seger loh dimakan di siang bolong pas puasa wakkakaka :p
new hair -_-
mulai hari ini rambut gue baru , there's nothing lots of different cuma ada kriwil2 dibawahnya kaya si kiwil :p .. woke i would to show you the exclusive photos of me
oke what do u think about my new hair ? jelek ?yes , cakep?iy4 h1h1 ... pada dasarnya hamba allah terlahir sebagai makhluk yg cantik dan tampan ,termasuk gue dong wakakak :p ... oke sekian ya baybay
calon hajjah nih ! tp jilbab nya dr handuk mandi |
kebaca ga tulisannya ?hweheh |
naaah ini gue yg baru ehhehehe ,jelek ya ? |
h3h3h3 |
oke what do u think about my new hair ? jelek ?yes , cakep?iy4 h1h1 ... pada dasarnya hamba allah terlahir sebagai makhluk yg cantik dan tampan ,termasuk gue dong wakakak :p ... oke sekian ya baybay
Saturday, September 4, 2010
mimpi gue aneh tp membuat hati berbunga2 :*
heya , oke gue mau cerita ya tentang mimpi gue ... jadi hari apa gitu gue lupa,gue mimpi GUE JADIAN SM SI 11.11,TAPI ANEHNYA guru bk jd saksi terbentuknya hubungan kami ,jd awalnya gini gue sm si 11.11 dipanggil ke ruang bk sm guru bk,trs guru bk kaya ngasih pengarahan gitudeh gue lupa soalnya gue jg lg gsadar jg kan namanya org tidur ,tautau guru bk bilang "oke yasudah kalian pacaran ya" trs kita bdua jln brg2 bdua kebawah .. kalo bener gue sih ALHAMDULILLAH bgt jadian sm dia ,tp kok nyangkut ke bk gitcu ? and till now i'm still confused what was the mean of my dream ? and i hope it could reall happen , okey god please listen to my pray :* . xo !
Thursday, September 2, 2010
September3th 2009 , first time i was started to made twitter and tweeting .. i made twitter acc when i was at fitria's house with nurul and yani ... we were made a project for schooll .. first , i didn't understood what's the meaning of 'twitter' and what was the use of twitter ,but step by step i knew the use of twitter .. cause i use blackberry , my friends told me to use UberTwitter for tweeting , but i'm still confused what was UberTwitter ? and then my friends told me the use of UberTwitter , UberTwitter was the application on blackberry phones for twitter .. and then how stupid i am at the past , i didn't knew about followers , following and tweets -,- slowly i knew all about twitter ,cause my lovely friends told me about the use of that .. so i started tweeting at UberTwitter , i saw my friends could use RT when their was replied the mentions , so i asked my friend what's the meaning of RT and how to use that -_- my friends told me , ReTweet was the meaning of RT , and how to use that , when you wanna replied the mentions , found ReTweet buttons ! yayayaya , i knew one by one about twitter , many months ago i couldn't tweeting and the replied from twitter is "LIMIT" sucks i didn't knew again what was limit .. my friend told me again , oh yeah thanks galz you're so kind .. LIMIT is the state when we were couldn't tweeting and need lots of RT from followers , how smart is twitter i'd limit only one time until now .. and now my tweets were 33.137 , my followers were 223 , and my following were 133 .. and now my twitter age was one year .. i wish lots of followers interest with my twitter and then follow me , oke mentions me when you wanna followback from me ..
yes this is the printscreen of my twitter |
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